Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Chapter 5 (Part B)

Then chapter 5 continues. We learn about disconfirmation and confirmation towards racism, sexism and ageism. Racism is anything to make race looks inferior to another race. For example, an employer only hire Chinese worker and do not want black skin people to work with him. Sexism is to support only towards a specific gender. For example  only trust male worker instead of female worker. Then there is ageism. It is also one of a discrimination based on age. For example, old people in the society are not welcome compare to the young generation teenagers.

Then we learn more about using verbal messages effectively.
1. Symbolise reality 
2. Express both facts and inference
3. Be relatively static
4. Obscure distinctions 

Before the class ends, the lecture grouped us into a pairs and find out any relevant racism, sexism, heterosexism and ageism examples in our daily lives. 

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