Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Chapter 10

In this chapter we learn about small group communication. There are 6 main topics in this chapter which are small group and teams, small group stages, small group format, power in the small group, types of small group and problem solving group.

Groups are formed  in our natural part of life. But small groups are formed out of a few commons :

1. Purpose : It is formed  because of a reason, for example a group of students need to have a group to do their assignment or group projects.

2. Interdependence : We might have to depend on others to survive sometimes, for example we need others skill and talent to obtain a certain goal.

3. Organisation of rules : every house and family has their own rules. So does the small groups, it is the same goes to the small groups and teams. For example, formal meeting will have to wear formally and informal gathering like having a cup of tea to discuss about the plan will have least formal feel.

4. Self-perception as a group : everyone wants to feel belonged to a group that share common things like self beliefs, values, what they like.

Then we learn about small group stages. The picture shown below are the small group stages.

There are few types of group format. The first one is round table. They arrange themselves in circular or semicircular, it is informal type, they share information for example, group assignment or group projects. Then there is the panel. Panel's group members are experts, but it is also informal. There are audience in front to question them an to answer them like Q&A session. For example, the apple event that they wants to lunch a product, someone will speaks and then there are audience from outside or inside that can question them about the product. It can also be a talk show. Other that that there are the symposium, in this kind of groups, each member will deliver a prepared speech or presentation to everyone. This can be a seminars, public speaking or even conferences.

After that we learn that they are power in the small group. First there is legitimate power, it is run by ruler and appointed or lead by the group leader. Then there is the referent power, this power is ruled by agreement. This is chosen or voted by everyone in the group, this occurs because the group may like you or identified with you. Then there is the reward power. This is like something we learn in phycology of adjustment, it consist of positive reinforcement. For example, you did a good job in your company this month so your boss increase your salary. It is like you did something good and you get reward for it. After that, we learn about coercive power. This is by negative reinforcement, like punishment. This is when you did something bad, you will have to suffer the consequences. For example, you did something bad in your group or offended your leader, then you will get kicked out of the group. Then there is the expert power. The export power is you being established as the expert in the context. For example, you know something that everyone don't know so you have the power and authority to do the assignment or lead the assignment. Lastly there is the information power. This is when you communicate good and you will be supported. For example, the public speaker.

After this we learn about the sic critical thinking hat. The picture below will show about the six critical hats. Each shows different thinking:

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