These are the facts that will affects your self-concept:
1. Social Comparison
-we compare ourself and adjust our self towards the way that society act and thinks. For example, if the society thinks that smoking weeds is awesome, there is a chance that we might follow. When we followed, our self-concept will be ruin because of smoking weeds.
2. Other’s Images of you
-we compare ourself with our friends, family. For example, we tend to ask our friend for their quiz marks if we get high, this is because we want to seek for comparison.
3. Self interpretations & evaluations
-the standards that applies towards your ethical and moral reasoning, beliefs and comprehension and conformity things around you. Some people think that lying is okay, it is part of everyday life. And some might think lying is wrong.
After that we learned about self-awareness. Self-awareness are the things that you know about yourself. A process of discovering your personal development and understanding.
This is the Johari Window. Some of us learn this during the last semester on the oral communication. But after the class I learned more about this Johari Window. There are 4 different windows in the Johari Window. On the top left is called open arena, it is known by self and know by others, meaning to say that it is known to everyone and to you, for example your hair is brown colour. Then one the lower left is called the facade, no one knows but yourself. It is your hidden self, for example something that only you know like you made up a story that you are very rich but only you yourself know that your are poor and you don't want to show that to anyone. Then there is the blind spot, the top right. It is known by others but unknown by yourself. For example you might do something annoying when your nervous but you don't realise it but everyone in the class does. And lastly there is the unknown on the lower right, it is unknown by self and by others. For example, a natural ability to roll your tongue that you and other people didn't realise yet.
And here are the 4 steps to grow in your self awareness.
1.Listen to others
2.Increase your open self
3.Seek information about yourself
4.Dialogue with yourself
After that we learned about self esteem. It is the most interesting part in this class for me. It means the confident or the level of trust towards yourself. In this class I learned that it is good that we can have high self esteem but don't over it, because too much could be bad for you if you didn't achieve it.
And here are the 4 facts to increase your self esteem
1.Attack self-destructive belief
2.Seek out Nourishing people
3.Work on project that will result in success
4.Remind yourself of your success
5.Secure affirmation
Before the class ended the lecture gave us a small task. We need to list down the characteristic of those who have high self esteem and low self esteem. We have to compare and contrast it. This is only half of the chapter, we stopped here and the class will continue on tomorrow, I was very excited for tomorrows class because I'm very interesting in this chapter 4.
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